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The London Necropolis Railway

The London Necropolis Railway was a railway line opened in November 1854 by the London Necropolis Company, to carry cadavers and mourners between London and  Brookwood Cemetery 23 miles southwest of London in Brookwood, Surrey. This song is not so much about the railway as to the contrast between the present day and the Victorian era. The Vicorians were very open about death and were relaxed to discuss it, even in a light-hearted manner. There really were signs in the refreshment rooms announcing "Spirits served here". In contrast Victorian Society was very coy when it came to the subject of sex, although evidence suggests that their views on this subject were at the very least hypocritical, hence Annie and Jim's antics in the last verse.

I was told that there is also a Brookwood cemetery in Australia, which has resulted in the expression for someone looking under the weather "You look like you're going Brookers mate"


You might have had cholera or TB too
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway
Now it really doesn’t matter what was wrong with you
You’re riding on the London Necropolis Railway
You might’ve been rich you might’ve been poor
It really doesn't matter anymore
Now that the funerals been paid for
You're riding on the London Necropolis Railway


They say the trains run dead on time
To Brookwood cemetery at the end of the line
It was the biggest burial ground in the world at the time
Serviced by the London Necropolis Railway

The railways’ private, no state control
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway
It’s paid for with money as well as your soul
When you’re Riding on the London Necropolis Railway
See the priest and the minister and the reverend too
They’re praying because that’s what they’re paid to do
They're trying to smooth the way for you
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway



When the train leaves the station the whistle blows
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway
It's a one way ticket and off you go
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway
At the station there are two licensed bars
Some folk say that's a step too far
They even serve spirits, nobody's barred
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway



Annie and her husband’s brother Jim were there
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway
She was shaking the bob right out of her hair
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway
They were kissing and cuddling and canoodling too
Her husband didn’t mind though he was travelling too
It's amazing what some folk get up to
Riding on the London Necropolis Railway



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