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Waiting For The Train

I used to travel to work by train. Provided I didn't have to work late it was fine as the trains were fairly regular and I didn't have long to wait at the station. However if I was held up for an hour or two at work things changed. The station was deserted and often the scheduled trains didn't turn up. Also, this was back in the days before mobile phones and so I had no way of contacting home. On one particular winters night I had been waiting for an hour or so, the weather was deteriorating and then I heard a train coming. It turned out to be pulling flat bed trucks loaded with heavy machinery. My passenger train turned up about 45 mins later by which time this song had formed in my head and the train pulling heavy machinery had been transformed into something far worse.

Bought my ticket at the station
Seemed a good idea
Take a train instead of driving
Back to home from here
I’m thinking about global warming               
And the ozone hole                           
But I'm hoping that the train                           
Will come before I get too old

I’m waiting for the train
Waiting for the train
I'm waiting for the train
But that train don't ever come


If you're sitting in a traffic jam
You've got to wonder why We each have our own engine
Pouring fumes into the sky
On a train there's just one engine
It pulls everyone along
It's a better proposition
Providing the train comes


The station's cold and empty
The paint is old and grey
There's no shelters there's no telephone
The staff have gone away
The rain is falling harder
Now it’s turning into sleet
I'm shivering and a numbness
Is spreading through my feet



I think that I could be driving
Warm comfortable and dry
Listening to my radio
Instead of wishing I could die
The snow is getting deeper now
It's covering my feet
I'm feeling tired I'm lying down
I'm drifting off to sleep




I hear a train that's coming
Rolling down the track
It's a train that's bound for glory
I don't think it's coming back
It's full of ghosts of passengers
Looking weird and strange
They ask me what I'm doing
I say I'm waiting for a train

© 2017 by Bryn Phillips  created with

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